

Howlite was a play about the end of the world. Specifically, it was set following the fallout from Ragnarök, the apocalypse myth of Norse mythology. This project involved extensive research into the mythos surrounding Ragnarök.
Above are rough sketches/block-outs of potential set ideas we had at the start of the process.  Both are based on different elements of the mythos. The first two images are of an iceberg having shattered into smaller, disparate pieces. This is based off descriptions in one version of the Norse myth that describe the world following Ragnarök as an icy plain that is eventually transformed into a new world, blooming with life.
The second set of images are closer to the final product. This idea was based off two separate elements of Norse myth. In Norse mythology, the world (or Midgard) is seen as merely one of Yggdrasil's (the world tree) many branches. At the end of one version of Ragnarök, the surviving Gods find a board game in the grass, which some modern interpretations describe as chess. In the grass are also found golden playing pieces of the dead gods. The survivors play with the pieces, re-enacting their history, suggesting that their entire story begins once again. We merged these two aspects of Norse mythology for the set design. We imagined a world where Yggdrasil has been felled, and the world (or chess board) once held together by its branches, is now coming apart.
Production Photos
Production Team
Director - Jack Eustace
Dramaturg - Maia Purdue
Set Designer - Rían Hamill
Lighting Designer - Matt McGowan
Costume Designer and Photographer - Allie Whelan
Sound Designer - Philly Holmes
Emily Long - Production Manager

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